FOCCUS Survey – Copernicus products in coastal forecasting centers

FOCCUS is launching a survey to document the current use of Copernicus Marine Service products by national and regional coastal forecasting centres, and to help shape the roadmap for improved integration between open ocean and coastal operational oceanography systems in Europe.

In addition, the information on forecasting systems will be supplemented with data from the OceanPrediction Atlas of the UN Decade Ocean Prediction Collaborative Center. While registration to this atlas is optional, it is strongly encouraged.The survey is specifically aimed at local operational ocean forecast systems (OOFS). OOFS refer to modelling systems operated at national or sub-national scales, typically embedded in larger European regional systems such as those provided by the Copernicus Marine Service. In this survey, we target OOFS that routinely provide operational oceanographic data products to coastal regions.

FOCCUS Survey – Copernicus products in coastal forecasting centers
